Orthodontists can improve smiles at any age, but there is an optimum time for treatment to begin. An early examination allows the orthodontic specialist to determine how and when a child's particular problem should be treated for maximum improvement, requiring the least amount of time and providing the greatest benefit. With some patients, early treatment achieves results that are unattainable once the face and jaws have finished growing.
Orthodontists can improve smiles at any age, but there is anEvery parent wants his or her child to have a beautiful smile - and every child should have a healthy smile with properly functioning teeth. The orthodontist's goal is to achieve both for the patient.
Untreated malocclusions may contribute to conditions that cause tooth decay, gum disease, bone destruction, loss of teeth, mouth breathing and jaw joint problems. "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure" is truly applicable here.
In addition, uncorrected problems can adversely affect a child's speech, general health and self-esteem.
A Child's self-confidence almost always increases when his or her smile is improved. This also has an impact on those around the child - parents, siblings, teachers and other children. Successful treatment can lead to greater success in all areas of the child's life. In short, the value of a beautiful, healthy smile should not be underestimated.optimum time for treatment to begin. An early examination allows the orthodontic specialist to determine how and when a child's particular problem should be treated for maximum improvement, requiring the least amount of time and providing the greatest benefit. With some patients, early treatment achieves results that are unattainable once the face and jaws have finished growing.
Recognizing an orthodontic problem at an early age does not always result in early treatment. After evaluating your child, the orthodontist may simply want to check your child periodically while the permanent teeth are erupting and the jaws and face continue to grow. However, if your child has a problem that requires attention, your orthodontist may recommend interceptive treatment. Early intervention, which takes advantage of facial growth and tooth eruption, can lessen the severity of a problem, and it frequently makes the completion of treatment at a later age less time-consuming and less expensive.
Interceptive treatment may be beneficial in:
Some things have to be done right the first time. Orthodontic treatment will change your child's teeth and can improve facial appearance. So you'll want a specialist to treat your child.
Orthodontists limit their practice to orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics unless they also have qualified in another American Dental Association (ADA) recognized specialty.* By completing an advanced education program following dental school, they have learned the special skills required to manage tooth movement and guide facial development.
The technical term for teeth and jaws that do not fit and work together properly is "malocclusion," commonly called a "bad bite." Most malocclusions are inherited, but some are acquired.
Inherited problems include crowding or spacing of the teeth caused by a difference in the size of the teeth and jaws or differing facial patterns of the parents.
Acquired malocclusions can be caused by finger sucking, tongue position, airway obstruction, dental disease, or premature loss or retention of the primary (baby) teeth.
Whether inherited or acquired, many of these problems affect not only alignment of the teeth but also facial appearance. It also is important to note that orthodontic problems can be present behind perfectly acceptable smiles. An orthodontic specialist is especially qualified to diagnose existing or potential conditions that require treatment.
Members of the American Association of Orthodontists (AAO) are orthodontic specialists. They have met the exacting standards of education and experience set by the ADA and required by the AAO for membership.
Upon request, the AAO will furnish you with a list of members in your area. Your family dentist also can refer you to an AAO member.
Encouraging good dental health habits and providing professional dental care at an early age produce benefits that can last your child a lifetime.
*Advanced education programs in orthodontics must include two or more academic years of full-time formal training in a program sponsored by an institution properly chartered and licensed to operate and offer instruction leading to degrees, diplomas or certificates with recognized educational validity. (From: Commission on Dental Accreditation, American Dental Association, July 1992.)